What is Afterschool Crypto Currency?A brief description of Afterschool.
Afterschool is a 2 sided decentralize marketplace powered by blockchain that helps parents discover, plan and book the best afterschool activities for their children while at the same time we help activity providers to find new customers and manage their business by providing an end-to-end solution to acquire and engage with their existing customers.
Afterschool Video
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The purpose of Afterschool
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Afterschool Abstract
AfterSchool helps parents discover, select, book and pay for children’s activities online through the web and mobile application platform. Every parent is constantly searching for the best after-school activities to help their child and on the other hand, after-school activity providers are constantly looking at effective ways to reach parents. From theatre to arts, singing to dancing, fitness to various sporting activities, we have them all listed. The world is going mobile and with the new blockchain technology we are aiming to decentralize our platform to scale by incentivizing both parents and provider in afterschool platform. Afterschool has already launched their own mobile application to further assist parents. The mobile application is available for free on Android as well as the Apple Store, being compatible with the latest software updates. One can simply register as a parent and benefit from the various offerings by Afterschool. Afterschool have already generated $350K USD in revenue and helped activity providers to generate $1M of revenue coming from our marketplace platform. Afterschool is comprised of 8 FTE’s and still growing.
More information can be found in the Afterschool whitepaper https://tokensale.afterschool.ae/wp-content/uploads/2017/09/afterschool-ico.pdf
Other Afterschool facts
- Trading symbol: AST
- Governance: Unfortunately we don’t have this data available.
- Open source: No
- Product status: Beta version
- Consensus method: Ethereum consensus (currently proof of work, will be proof of stake later on)
- Emmission rate: Emitted in proportion to amount of network activity
- Transactions per second: Unfortunately we don’t have this data available.
- Total Supply: 500,000,000
- Release date: n/a
Usefull Afterschool links
- Afterschool’s Website
- Afterschool pricing data & fundamental Afterschool information
- Afterschool’s Website
- Afterschool official blog
- Afterschool’s Bitcointalk Forum
- Afterschool’s Reddit Forum
- Afterschool’s block explorer
- Afterschool’s Alexa site stats
- Afterschool’s official forum: Unfortunately we don’t have this data available.
- Afterschool’s Github code repository:
https://github.com/afterschoolae/contract - Afterschool’s roadmap:
https://tokensale.afterschool.ae/contribute/#roadmap - Afterschool’s team page: https://tokensale.afterschool.ae/contribute/#team
- Afterschool’s whitepaper: https://tokensale.afterschool.ae/wp-content/uploads/2017/09/afterschool-ico.pdf