Gnosis will be a disruptive force driving change in a number of systemically important globalmarkets, including finance, gambling, insurance, and information. Gnosis prediction markets willalso find applications in new forms of distributed, market-based governance protocols, and willprovide unique incentivization opportunities for both local and global economies.Gnosis is well-positioned as a medium for a long-term shift toward information arbitrageeconomies that will power the Internet of Things, as well as more advanced forms of artificialintelligence. We believe that we are on the cusp of a Cambrian explosion of machine intelligencethat will leverage a global liquidity pool of information for decision-making and will be deeplyinterwoven on a shared blockchain fabric such as Ethereum. Decentralized prediction markets seededon Gnosis will be the ideal medium of exchange for these intelligent agents
How to buy Gnosis (GNO) cryptocurrency?
We’re currently working on an awesome “how to buy” page for Gnosis (GNO) and all other cryptocurrencies. We keep you posted when the Gnosis (GNO) guide is finished. For now, we refer you to this page ;-).
Where can I find fundamental analysis of Gnosis (GNO)?
Fundamental analysis of Gnosis (GNO)‘s: Overal strength; Communication strength; Team strength; Product strength; Development strength; Coin strength; Brand awareness/Buzz; Advisory board strength; And Activity on social media. Can be found on the CoinCheckup Gnosis Fundamental Analysis page.
Where to find Historical trading info and past performance on Gnosis (crypto)?
Gnosis (GNO) started trading on: 2017-05-01. Gnosis’s initial ICO price was: 25.51 USD. More historical and performance information on Gnosis Gnosis’s investment performance statistics: like volatiliy, positive months, max drawdown a day, max upside a day, etc; A month by month and year by year trading history of Gnosis; A complete day by day trading history of […]
Who is leading Gnosis (GNO) crypto?
Gnosis (symbol) is a Centralized cryptocurrency. The CEO of Gnosis is: Martin Köppelmann LinkedIn: Mini Bio Martin Köppelmann: MKSG Software Limited The CTO of Gnosis is: Stefan George LinkedIn: Github link: More information about the Gnosis team can be found here:
How can I contact the Gnosis (cryptocurrency) team?
Below all contact information to get in touch with the Gnosis (GNO) team included Gnosis’s incorporation info (if available). We included both direct contact information (if available) and their social media channels (if available). Gnosis’s direct contact information. Email: [email protected] Contact form: Can’t be traced Website: Message board / Forum: Unfortunately we don’t have this data available. Gnosis’s social media […]
All available information on the Gnosis (GNO) ICO
Below an overview of all the available information on the Gnosis (GNO) ICO. Gnosis ICO Starting period: 2017-04-24 00:00:00 Gnosis ICO Ending period: 2017-05-01 00:00:00 Initial ): 25.51 USD Accepted currencies in the Gnosis ICO: USD, BTC, ETH, GNO Gnosis ICO started trading on: 2017-05-01 Gnosis (GNO) allocation of ICO proceedings. Founders: 65.00% Marketing: 12.50% Development: 5.00% Administrative & […]
What is the Consensus method of Gnosis (GNO)?
The Consensus decision-making process of Gnosis (GNO) is: Ethereum consensus (currently proof of work, will be proof of stake later on). More information on Ethereum consensus (currently proof of work, will be proof of stake later on). can be found over here.
Is Gnosis (GNO) Centralized, Decentralized or Semi-Centralized?
Gnosis‘s governance structure is: Centralized > Hierarchical. Read more about: Centralized > Hierarchical