Swarm City is a decentralized commerce platform running on the Ethereum blockchain, using the Swarm City Token (SWT) to transact value.
What is Vcash (XVC)?
Vcash is a decentralized currency for the internet. It enables you to send money to anywhere in the world instantly for almost no cost.
What is Novacoin (NVC)?
Novacoin is the coin of the feature. It’s unique way of utilizing both Proof-of-Work and Proof-of-Stake for block generation with separated target limits make it stand out.
What is Genesis Vision (GVT)?
Genesis Vision is a decentralized trust management platform built on blockchain technology and smart contracts.
What is Lunyr (LUN)?
Lunyr. The future of knowledge sharing. Earn rewards for contributing and peer-viewing knowledge.
What is Unobtanium (UNO)?
UNO is a SHA256 Proof of Work cryptocurrency unique for low inflation, scarcity, a fair launch and distribution. Just 250,000 Uno will ever be mined over 300 years. Unobtanium is merged mined with Bitcoin, resulting in a secure high-difficulty blockchain that is 3x faster than Bitcoin.
What is OBITS (OBITS)?
OBITS gives the chance to profit from the wild swings in prices of the digital currency market without of it`s deep understanding. OBITS is therefore a way of empowering the average user to profit from the markets without a comprehensive background either in trading strategies or blockchain technology.
What is Hive (HVN)?
Hive is a platform that provides new financial liquidity to small businesses by leveraging blockchain technology, giving them a range of crypto-currency based financing options. Driven by the risk-lowering technology offered by blockchain, Hive will bring digital currency invoice financing into the mainstream, slashing costs in the process and creating profits for investors.
What is NeosCoin (NEOS)?
Neos V3 offers a wide range of features complimenting its core purpose – a completely decentralized web. You’ll be able to earn NEOS (the crypto currency) by participating in the community, authoring quality content, and playing a role in moderation. Within the network, we rely on our peers to come to agreements and make decisions as a whole – rather than having decisions made for us and rules dictated to us.
What is Horizon State (HST)?
Horizon State has built a token-based blockchain voting and decision-making platform that delivers unprecedented trust through the integrity and post-unforgeable attributes of blockchain technology. Horizon State delivers a secure digital ballot box that cannot be hacked, wherein results can never be altered, and voter identities are protected.