After Bitcoin (Created by Satoshi Nakamoto in 2008) evolved and matured, waste heat has increased exponentially to secure blockchains of itself and clones. The mining operation generates heat by testing millions of combinations of blockhashes. To replace this operation with a more useful proof-of-work, Gridcoin introduces a novel algorithm based on work done in Boinc projects, in addition to requiring a multi algorithm hash solution that is more secure than bitcoin’s single sha256 hash algorithm. Mining participants may choose any official boinc project including but not limited to Cancer Research, HIV, Alzheimer’s, World Community Grid, Malaria, Mad Cow, DNA sequencing, 3d farm rendering, nanotechnology, protein structure modeling, Quantum chemistry, Drug discovery, Microgravity, Neutron star search, Cryptographic research, Large Primes, weather models, and much more.