Dentacoin (DCN) started trading on: 2017-08-11. Dentacoin’s initial ICO price was: 0.000307 USD. More historical and performance information on Dentacoin Dentacoin’s investment performance statistics: like volatiliy, positive months, max drawdown a day, max upside a day, etc; A month by month and year by year trading history of Dentacoin; A complete day by day trading history of […]
Trading performance
Where to find Historical trading info and past performance on MonetaryUnit (crypto)?
MonetaryUnit (MUE) started trading on: 2014-11-01. MonetaryUnit’s initial ICO price was: 0.000313 USD. More historical and performance information on MonetaryUnit MonetaryUnit’s investment performance statistics: like volatiliy, positive months, max drawdown a day, max upside a day, etc; A month by month and year by year trading history of MonetaryUnit; A complete day by day trading history of […]
Where to find Historical trading info and past performance on Gulden (crypto)?
Gulden (NLG) started trading on: 2014-04-08. Gulden’s initial ICO price was: 0.0004 USD. More historical and performance information on Gulden Gulden’s investment performance statistics: like volatiliy, positive months, max drawdown a day, max upside a day, etc; A month by month and year by year trading history of Gulden; A complete day by day trading history of […]
Where to find Historical trading info and past performance on NEM (crypto)?
NEM (XEM) started trading on: 2015-04-01. NEM’s initial ICO price was: 0.0004 USD. More historical and performance information on NEM NEM’s investment performance statistics: like volatiliy, positive months, max drawdown a day, max upside a day, etc; A month by month and year by year trading history of NEM; A complete day by day trading history of […]
Where to find Historical trading info and past performance on Dogecoin (crypto)?
Dogecoin (DOGE) started trading on: 2013-12-15. Dogecoin’s initial ICO price was: 0.000559 USD. More historical and performance information on Dogecoin Dogecoin’s investment performance statistics: like volatiliy, positive months, max drawdown a day, max upside a day, etc; A month by month and year by year trading history of Dogecoin; A complete day by day trading history of […]
Where to find Historical trading info and past performance on Tickets (crypto)?
Tickets (TIX) started trading on: 2013-11-03. Tickets’s initial ICO price was: 5.10E-07 USD. More historical and performance information on Tickets Tickets’s investment performance statistics: like volatiliy, positive months, max drawdown a day, max upside a day, etc; A month by month and year by year trading history of Tickets; A complete day by day trading history of […]
Where to find Historical trading info and past performance on FedoraCoin (crypto)?
FedoraCoin (TIPS) started trading on: 2013-12-31. FedoraCoin’s initial ICO price was: 0.000004 USD. More historical and performance information on FedoraCoin FedoraCoin’s investment performance statistics: like volatiliy, positive months, max drawdown a day, max upside a day, etc; A month by month and year by year trading history of FedoraCoin; A complete day by day trading history of […]
Where to find Historical trading info and past performance on Verge (crypto)?
Verge (XVG) started trading on: 2016-02-15. Verge’s initial ICO price was: 0.000007 USD. More historical and performance information on Verge Verge’s investment performance statistics: like volatiliy, positive months, max drawdown a day, max upside a day, etc; A month by month and year by year trading history of Verge; A complete day by day trading history of […]
Where to find Historical trading info and past performance on GameCredits (crypto)?
GameCredits (GAME) started trading on: ,. GameCredits’s initial ICO price was: 0.000014 USD. More historical and performance information on GameCredits GameCredits’s investment performance statistics: like volatiliy, positive months, max drawdown a day, max upside a day, etc; A month by month and year by year trading history of GameCredits; A complete day by day trading history of […]
Where to find Historical trading info and past performance on Golos (crypto)?
Golos (GOLOS) started trading on: 2016-12-13. Golos’s initial ICO price was: 0.00002587 USD. More historical and performance information on Golos Golos’s investment performance statistics: like volatiliy, positive months, max drawdown a day, max upside a day, etc; A month by month and year by year trading history of Golos; A complete day by day trading history of […]