TaaS introduces an innovative business model that allows investors to capitalize on the rise of blockchain markets without dealing with hurdles, risks and technical barriers associated with owning, transferring and trading cryptocurrencies and tokens. Open for investment exclusively during Initial Coin Offering, TaaS is a last generation closed-end fund (CEF) that utilizes Ethereum blockchain and Cryptographic Audit technology to offer full transparency to its investors. Unlike traditional closed-end funds that issue a fixed number of shares which are not redeemable from the fund, TaaS issues tokens built on a profit-sharing smart contract.
A smart contract allows token owners to collect 50% of quarterly profits. To grow capital pool without attracting additional investment, 25% of profits is reinvested back into the fund. It allows Net Asset Value (NAV) of a token increase over time, making TaaS the first blockchain token to have its value explicitly tied to the performance of a parent project. In its essence, by effectively eliminating entry barriers and allowing investors to safely subscribe to fund’s income flow, TaaS introduces a Token-as-a-Service (TaaS) business model.