Vcash is a decentralized currency for the internet. It enables you to send money to anywhere in the world instantly for almost no cost.
What is InvestFeed (IFT)?
InvestFeed is a cryptocurrency epicenter combining a rich base of enthusiasts, investors, and innovators all looking towards the goal of revolutionizing the way we invest in and develop blockchain technology.
What is LoMoCoin (LMC)?
LoMoCoin is the world’s first block-chain digital currency system thriving on LBS and mobile Internet. LoMoCoin marks the first mobile app attempting to bring together offline shops’ demand for human traffic directing, player participation in entertaining games, and block-chain digital currency. The brand new LBS treasure hunting model says goodbye to the traditional boring experience and makes the hunting process more interesting. The app enables players to explore on the map and in reality to get LMC and special offers from shops, and shops to win the high-value O2O traffic created by players, bridging between players and shops for value exchange and traffic monetizing in a different way.
What is Lunyr (LUN)?
Lunyr. The future of knowledge sharing. Earn rewards for contributing and peer-viewing knowledge.
What is TransferCoin (TX)?
As crypto-currencies make their way into the mainstream society, privacy is an increasing concern. We aim to provide an end-to-end privacy solution with our multiple integrations of stealth techniques, as well as focus on merchant adoption & community growth.
What is Unobtanium (UNO)?
UNO is a SHA256 Proof of Work cryptocurrency unique for low inflation, scarcity, a fair launch and distribution. Just 250,000 Uno will ever be mined over 300 years. Unobtanium is merged mined with Bitcoin, resulting in a secure high-difficulty blockchain that is 3x faster than Bitcoin.
What is OBITS (OBITS)?
OBITS gives the chance to profit from the wild swings in prices of the digital currency market without of it`s deep understanding. OBITS is therefore a way of empowering the average user to profit from the markets without a comprehensive background either in trading strategies or blockchain technology.
What is adToken (ADT)?
Tasked with constructing the first decentralized and virtuous white list of reputable publisher domains, adToken holders will pave the way for a new industry standard in digital advertising.
What is Burst (BURST)?
BURST coin is a digital cryptocurrency and decentralized crypto platform that is used by people all over the world. The Most Popular digital cryptocurrency currently worldwide is Bitcoin, (which is simply a currency, albeit the most groundbreaking currency and technology to ever exist.) BURST is far more than just digital money, BURST is the world’s first crypto platform to have Smart Contracts, (which these days is the most widely known aspect of Ethereum) BURST is also the first cryptocurrency to be publicized for being able to perform direct cross-chain coin transfers (a transfer with no central exchange, also known as “Atomic Cross Chain Transfers”.) BURST also has the busiest decentralized asset exchange in existence, operating on the blockchain.
What is Horizon State (HST)?
Horizon State has built a token-based blockchain voting and decision-making platform that delivers unprecedented trust through the integrity and post-unforgeable attributes of blockchain technology. Horizon State delivers a secure digital ballot box that cannot be hacked, wherein results can never be altered, and voter identities are protected.