TenX offers a debit card and accompanying mobile wallet that can be funded not only with any blockchain asset. A TenX wallet can be used in almost 200 countries at over 36 million points of acceptance. TenX leverages the COMIT Standard (www.comit.network), which works in a completely trustless, instant and free manner. The TenX token, PAY, allows users to “own” part of the TenX system, as for every transaction made with the wallet, the token holder receives rewards in Ether.
How to buy TenX (PAY) cryptocurrency?
We’re currently working on an awesome “how to buy” page for TenX (PAY) and all other cryptocurrencies. We keep you posted when the TenX (PAY) guide is finished. For now, we refer you to this page ;-).
Where can I find fundamental analysis of TenX (PAY)?
Fundamental analysis of TenX (PAY)‘s: Overal strength; Communication strength; Team strength; Product strength; Development strength; Coin strength; Brand awareness/Buzz; Advisory board strength; And Activity on social media. Can be found on the CoinCheckup TenX Fundamental Analysis page.
Where to find Historical trading info and past performance on TenX (crypto)?
TenX (PAY) started trading on: 2017-06-27. TenX’s initial ICO price was: 0.794 USD. More historical and performance information on TenX TenX’s investment performance statistics: like volatiliy, positive months, max drawdown a day, max upside a day, etc; A month by month and year by year trading history of TenX; A complete day by day trading history of […]
Who is leading TenX (PAY) crypto?
TenX (symbol) is a Centralized cryptocurrency. The CEO of TenX is: Toby Hoenisch LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/tobyai/ Mini Bio Toby Hoenisch: CEO & Founder of TenX Pte. Ltd.; CEO & Founder of StudyPact; CEO & Developer of One One Agency; R&D Engineer of Silver Egg Technology The CTO of TenX is: Michael Sperk LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/michael-sperk-15b0b0ba/ Github link: Unfortunately we […]
How can I contact the TenX (cryptocurrency) team?
Below all contact information to get in touch with the TenX (PAY) team included TenX’s incorporation info (if available). We included both direct contact information (if available) and their social media channels (if available). TenX’s direct contact information. Email: team@tenx.tech Contact form: can’t be traced Website: https://www.tenx.tech/ Message board / Forum: n/a TenX’s social media channels Facebook profile: https://www.facebook.com/tenxwallet/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/tenxwallet Google+: Unfortunately we […]
All available information on the TenX (PAY) ICO
Below an overview of all the available information on the TenX (PAY) ICO. TenX ICO Starting period: 2017-06-24 00:00:00 TenX ICO Ending period: 2017-07-24 00:00:00 Initial ): 0.794 USD Accepted currencies in the TenX ICO: BTC, ETH, ERC20, Dash, Ripple TenX ICO started trading on: 2017-06-27 TenX (PAY) allocation of ICO proceedings. Founders: n/a Marketing: n/a Development: n/a Administrative […]
What is the Consensus method of TenX (PAY)?
The Consensus decision-making process of TenX (PAY) is: Proof of work. More information on Proof of work. can be found over here.
Is TenX (PAY) Centralized, Decentralized or Semi-Centralized?
TenX‘s governance structure is: Centralized > Hierarchical. Read more about: Centralized > Hierarchical