Dogecoin is an open source peer-to-peer digital currency, favored by Shiba Inus worldwide.
What is Stratis (STRAT)?
Stratis is a powerful and flexible blockchain Development Platform designed for the needs of real-world financial services businesses and other organisations that want to develop, test and deploy applications on the blockchain.
What is Golem (GNT)?
The Golem Network is an accessible-to-everyone, distributed, supercomputer that reduces osts (sometimes by over 10x) of scientific research, big data analysis, graphics endering, machine learning, AI… just about anything that requires heavy computational ower. Those why buy computational power off the Golem Network are called Requesters.
What is BitShares (BTS)?
BitShares is a technology supported by next generation entrepreneurs, investors, and developers with a common interest in finding free market solutions by leveraging the power of globally decentralized consensus and decision making. Consensus technology has the power to do for economics what the internet did for information. It can harness the combined power of all humanity to coordinate the discovery and aggregation of real-time knowledge, previously unobtainable. This knowledge can be used to more effectively coordinate the allocation of resources toward their most productive and valuable use.
What is Decred (DCR)?
Decred is a cryptocurrency, similar to Bitcoin, with a strong focus on community input, open governance and sustainable funding and development. It utilizes a hybrid “proof-of-work” and “proof-of-stake” mining system to ensure that a small group cannot dominate the flow of transactions or make changes to Decred without the input of the community. A unit of currency is called a ‘decred’ (DCR). To ensure the integrity of the currency and prevent people from making fraudulent transactions or creating their own coins, Decred uses a method of recording transactions known as a blockchain.
What is NEM (XEM)?
A blockchain notarization and timestamping service with transferable, updatable, branded, and conjointly owned notarizations
What is Qtum (QTUM)?
Qtum is a decentralized blockchain platform with dApp and turing-coplete smart contract functionalities while still mantaining a an Unspent Transaction Output (UTXO) transaction model. Qtum employs a Proof of Stake consensus mechanism. QTUM is the underlying value token in the Qtum blockchain.
What is EOS (EOS)?
The vision before us is a single global contracting blockchain that can scale up to handle a long-tail of businesses negotiating contracts for mutual advantage in a safe
and secure environment. An EOS blockchain is intended for highperformance messaging with business logic. Popular use cases will include supply chain, resource management, usermessaging such as social media, asset issuance and trading, accounting for remittances, and gaming. A typical use case might be Uber. Ride-sharing is based on setting standards of behaviour for the driver and for the passenger. If drivers and passengers were part of the same community, there would be an immediate benefit – the base of liability and standards of behaviour would be covered under community constitution and dispute resolution, and their contracts could be bilateral rather than intermediated, thus minimising any regulatory difficulties. Then, as the contracts can be bilateral, the business flow could be split up: tracking passengers in the market, tracking cars available, finding a match, negotiating a contract, performance, settlement, pricing, and social tracking could all be built as separate DApps that interact.
What is Lisk (LSK)?
Lisk is a cryptocurrency that offers a next generation platform that allows for the development and distribution of JavaScript based blockchain applications. Lisk provides an easy to use interface and access full featured ecosystem. Through Lisk, developers can build, publish, distribute, and monetize their applications within a cryptocurrency powered system that allows for the use of customized blockchains, smart contracts, cloud storage, and computing nodes.
What is Zcash (ZEC)?
Zerocash, a practical instantiation of our DAP scheme construction. In Zerocash, transactions are less than 1 kB and take under 6 ms to verify — orders of magnitude more efficient than the less-anonymous Zerocoin and competitive with plain Bitcoin.