Horizon State (HST) started trading on: Unfortunately we don’t have this data available.. Horizon State’s initial ICO price was: 3000 HST = 1 ETH USD. More historical and performance information on Horizon State Horizon State’s investment performance statistics: like volatiliy, positive months, max drawdown a day, max upside a day, etc; A month by month and year […]
Start price
Where to find Historical trading info and past performance on Earth Token (crypto)?
Earth Token (EARTH) started trading on: Unfortunately we don’t have this data available.. Earth Token’s initial ICO price was: 4000-5200 ETN = 0.1 BTC / 1 ETH USD. More historical and performance information on Earth Token Earth Token’s investment performance statistics: like volatiliy, positive months, max drawdown a day, max upside a day, etc; A month by […]
Where to find Historical trading info and past performance on AirToken (crypto)?
AirToken (AIR) started trading on: Unfortunately we don’t have this data available.. AirToken’s initial ICO price was: 50 AIR = 1 USD USD. More historical and performance information on AirToken AirToken’s investment performance statistics: like volatiliy, positive months, max drawdown a day, max upside a day, etc; A month by month and year by year trading history […]
Where to find Historical trading info and past performance on B3Coin (crypto)?
B3Coin (B3) started trading on: 2016-09-03. B3Coin’s initial ICO price was: n/a USD. More historical and performance information on B3Coin B3Coin’s investment performance statistics: like volatiliy, positive months, max drawdown a day, max upside a day, etc; A month by month and year by year trading history of B3Coin; A complete day by day trading history of […]
Where to find Historical trading info and past performance on Mercury (crypto)?
Mercury (MER) started trading on: 2017-03-30. Mercury’s initial ICO price was: n/a USD. More historical and performance information on Mercury Mercury’s investment performance statistics: like volatiliy, positive months, max drawdown a day, max upside a day, etc; A month by month and year by year trading history of Mercury; A complete day by day trading history of […]
Where to find Historical trading info and past performance on Genesis Vision (crypto)?
Genesis Vision (GVT) started trading on: 2017-11-15. Genesis Vision’s initial ICO price was: 1 GVT = 1 USD USD. More historical and performance information on Genesis Vision Genesis Vision’s investment performance statistics: like volatiliy, positive months, max drawdown a day, max upside a day, etc; A month by month and year by year trading history of Genesis […]
Where to find Historical trading info and past performance on Modum (crypto)?
Modum (MOD) started trading on: 2017-10-23. Modum’s initial ICO price was: 1 USD USD. More historical and performance information on Modum Modum’s investment performance statistics: like volatiliy, positive months, max drawdown a day, max upside a day, etc; A month by month and year by year trading history of Modum; A complete day by day trading history […]
Where to find Historical trading info and past performance on Viberate (crypto)?
Viberate (VIB) started trading on: Unfortunately we don’t have this data available.. Viberate’s initial ICO price was: 1 VIB = 0.1 USD USD. More historical and performance information on Viberate Viberate’s investment performance statistics: like volatiliy, positive months, max drawdown a day, max upside a day, etc; A month by month and year by year trading history […]
Where to find Historical trading info and past performance on Ambrosus (crypto)?
Ambrosus (AMB) started trading on: Unfortunately we don’t have this data available.. Ambrosus’s initial ICO price was: 1,000 AMB = 1 ETH USD. More historical and performance information on Ambrosus Ambrosus’s investment performance statistics: like volatiliy, positive months, max drawdown a day, max upside a day, etc; A month by month and year by year trading history […]
Where to find Historical trading info and past performance on Decentraland (crypto)?
Decentraland (MANA) started trading on: Unfortunately we don’t have this data available.. Decentraland’s initial ICO price was: 1000 MANA = 1 LAND USD. More historical and performance information on Decentraland Decentraland’s investment performance statistics: like volatiliy, positive months, max drawdown a day, max upside a day, etc; A month by month and year by year trading history […]