Hybrid Intelligence is the combination of human intelligence and machine intelligence, and their interaction in resolving various tasks. One sort of intelligence
supplements and strengthens the other. Clearly, one may face many challenges during the decision-making process. Hybrid Intelligence and other related systems under development are appropriate for resolving these kinds of difficulties. This is not only due to the criterion of speed in decision-making – namely, the question of why one should waste time on simple tasks that can be resolved by both individuals and simple mathematical methods and algorithms? It is also related to the complexity of the tasks and the level of uncertainty in the systems used to resolve them.
What is Cofound.it (CFI)?
Cofound.it is a self-sustained business consultancy, focusing on carefully-selected projects.
What is Gulden (NLG)?
Gulden (NLG) is a simple and very powerful payment system. Gulden uses blockchain technology to improve financial systems, speed up transactions and offer a cost-effective solution to all things finance. Our software is open source, meaning you can implement Gulden in your own software and build tools and services that help accomplish this goal; creating a stable and blockchain-based financial system built on a trustless and permissionless network that connects with all our financial needs.
What is TokenCard (TKN)?
TokenCard is a debit card usable at payment terminals around the world, including ATMs. TokenCard customers back/fund their own card with allowances from ERC20 compatible contract wallets. At launch, TokenCard will allow users to fund their card with ETH, TKN and up to five of the following tokens that will be elected for inclusion by the community: REP, MKR, DGD, ICN, MLN, GNT, 1ST and SNGLS.
What is OKCash (OK)?
OKCash is a new Cryptocurrency that got released in November 2014. Since the start, OK has shown a unique interest in the end user and tried to make the coin accessible and easy to use for the community. The launch was a success and a lot of miners participated in the pools that were mining the coin.
What is Neblio (NEBL)?
A blockchain network such as Neblio is a decentralized peer-to-peer network of nodes that exchange information in the form of transactions; storing those transactions in an immutable distributed ledger. All nodes have a full copy of the ledger (known as the blockchain, due to being made of individual blocks) at all times. A node that would like to record information in the ledger first broadcasts a transaction containing the information to the network where it is relayed to all other nodes. One node then compiles all new available transactions on the network into a block that is added to the blockchain. Once a block is stored on the blockchain, it and all of the transactions contained within it are immutable, meaning that the transactions cannot ever be altered in any way. When information on the ledger needs to be updated, as common with database systems, a new transaction is simply added to the ledger with the new information. However, the original information that was stored in the ledger remains intact and verifiable in a previous block for the entire life of the blockchain.
What is NoLimitCoin (NLC2)?
NLC2 is a coin meant to revolutionize the fantasy sports industry, making fantasy sports available and easy to play for the entire world.
What is Enigma (ENG)?
Enigma is a decentralized computation platform with guaranteed privacy. Our goal is to enable developers to build ’privacy by design’, end-to-end decentralized applications, without a trusted third party.
What is TaaS (TAAS)?
TaaS introduces an innovative business model that allows investors to capitalize on the rise of blockchain markets without dealing with hurdles, risks and technical barriers associated with owning, transferring and trading cryptocurrencies and tokens. Open for investment exclusively during Initial Coin Offering, TaaS is a last generation closed-end fund (CEF) that utilizes Ethereum blockchain and Cryptographic Audit technology to offer full transparency to its investors. Unlike traditional closed-end funds that issue a fixed number of shares which are not redeemable from the fund, TaaS issues tokens built on a profit-sharing smart contract.
A smart contract allows token owners to collect 50% of quarterly profits. To grow capital pool without attracting additional investment, 25% of profits is reinvested back into the fund. It allows Net Asset Value (NAV) of a token increase over time, making TaaS the first blockchain token to have its value explicitly tied to the performance of a parent project. In its essence, by effectively eliminating entry barriers and allowing investors to safely subscribe to fund’s income flow, TaaS introduces a Token-as-a-Service (TaaS) business model.
What is RChain (RHOC)?
The RChain Cooperative and its partners are building a public, Sybil-resistant, and censorship-resistant computing utility. This is an open source project. It will be a blockchain-based platform for specifying, verifying, building, and running decentralized protocols (“smart contracts”) that form the base for decentralized applications. On top of this technology platform, a broad array of solutions can be built, including financial services, monetized content delivery networks, marketplaces, governance solutions, DAOs, and RChain’s own flagship decentralized social platform.