METAL (MTL) is our native currency. METAL is fairly distributed through a process known as: Proof of Processed Payments (PoPP). When you send money or make purchases you earn a little reward in METAL for every dollar you spend.
What is Nxt (NXT)?
Nxt is an advanced blockchain platform which builds on and improves the basic functionality of pioneering cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin.
What is B3Coin (B3)?
Our aim is to create the most profitable and rewarding Proof of Stake Coin in the Crypto world.
What is Pura (PURA)?
Pura is an international digital currency that liberates you to transact with anyone in the world directly, privately and instantly, making your life cheaper by removing the expense or need for a middle man like a bank or a payment provider.
What is Cryptonex (CNX)?
Cryptonex is a global, decentralized new generation cryptocurrency. It is created on its own blockchain platform.
What is Vertcoin (VTC)?
Vertcoin is a cryptographic currency, similar to Bitcoin and Litecoin, with one major difference. As the forerunner of the digital currency movement, the original Bitcoin developers were unable to perceive all potential threats that would arise to challenge it’s mission as a decentralized currency.
What is PIVX (PIVX)?
A transactional security and privacy-focused decentralized open source cryptocurrency. PIVX is a form of digital online currency that can be easily transferred all around the world in a blink of an eye with nearly non-existent transfer fees. You can convert your country’s currency into PIVX and earn interest just by holding, trade on an exchange or buy goods or services where it is accepted.
What is BitcoinDark (BTCD)?
BitcoinDark is a Proof of Stake Cryptocurrency. The first two weeks after release will consist of a two week Proof of Work period.
What is Basic Attention Token (BAT)?
Basic Attention Token radically improves the efficiency of digital advertising by creating a new token that can be exchanged between publishers, advertisers, and users. It all happens on the Ethereum blockchain. The token can be used to obtain a variety of advertising and attention-based services on the Brave platform. The utility of the token is based on user attention, which simply means a person’s focused mental engagement.
What is DigixDAO (DGD)?
Digix tokenizes gold on Ethereum. We leverage the Distributed Ledger for its immutability, transparency and auditability by applying it to precious physical assets.
Digix has created a range of technologies including The Proof of Asset Protocol (POA) and Digix Gold Tokens (DGX) on Ethereum.